
Everyone needs a place and space to be heard... to share and express that which is important in their lives... this is mine.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Artful Sentiments Challenge #31

Welcome Friends! Don't you just love this time of year? I do! The crisp coolness in the air, the musty smell of fallen leaves and harvests from the bounty of the earth. Maybe a little football;) Hayrides and cornstalks inspired the color challenge this week. This weekend my daughters are participating in harvest festivals complete with outdoor BBQ, games, contests and hayrides, of course!
Challenge Colors this week: YR23, E37, E59

Here are the design teams cards to inspire you! Show off your harvest and leave your link in the Mr. Linky section!
Kimm BT
I used a layer of Polished Wrinkles (Technique Junkies Dec. 08) right under my main image with some mustard colored raffia. Almost looked like a piece of corn husk:)

Kimm BT

Laurie Gatton

Ann Clack

Sharon Briss
Have a wonderful weekend ya'll!


Ann said...

Love the wreath and the cornstalks. Really beautiful.

Laurie said...

Both cards are perfect for showing off the challenge colors. The wreath is stunning with the added red color. Hugs, Laurie